The start of the INTER/her project.

“An intimate, artistic immersive exploration of the inner world of women’s bodies and the reproductive diseases they suffer.”

The INTER/her project is an immersive installation and virtual experience. It was created to open up the conversation about phenomena experienced by women in their late 30’s (sometimes earlier) their 40’s, and sometimes after menopause. Working in consultation with a gynaecologist, the project features interviews with a number of women telling their stories.

INTER/her has a focus on female reproductive diseases explored through a feminist lens; as personal exploration, as a conversation starter, to raise greater public awareness and encourage community building.

“The INTER/her project comes directly from my own experience in fighting – and winning – against ovarian cancer throughout 2016 – 2017.”

“This intense battle gave me the imperative to make something personal through my art practice; to give something back to other women, based upon my own experiences and journey through the healthcare system.”

“The seed grew from silence, inconsistent information and minimal support for women’s health, then became inspired by stories I began to hear from friends and family. Stories that seemed to be hidden or kept secret until I opened up about my own experiences.”

- Camille Baker

Artistic Director, INTER/her

Camille chose to create an immersive multimedia artwork which focussed on both the post-reproductive diseases and the pain that women – mostly older women – experience.

Her project encompasses endometriosis, fibroids, polyps, ovarian and other cysts, cervical, ovarian, uterine and endometrial cancers, and the lack of clear medical information and support faced by this overlooked segment of society.

Explored themes include: Issues of female identity, self-love, body image, loss of body parts, pain, disease, cancer, lack of reliable information, male-dominated medical institutions, sexuality, body betrayal, ailments, disease and tumours, which represent negative festering of pain and anger.

The journey contrasts thoughts of self-care with the growth of disease, and the inevitable feelings of mortality.


INTER/her was conceived as an immersive audio/visual VR journey portraying the many stages of womanhood, especially so-called post-reproductive bodies (age 35+).

Her team created an inside-out sensory and emotional experience from within a physical dome space, accompanied by a wearable haptic garment which delivers responsive visceral vibrations onto the lower abdomen, which are triggered by story objects encountered on the narrative journey.

At the end of the experience, visitors will be debriefed concerning their feelings, given an opportunity to share and record their own story. The project will be promoted through women’s health charities and gynaecologist surgeries, in order to directly reach as many women as possible.

Leaflets from women’s health charities will be available for women to contact and learn more about their condition and find support. It is hoped that the INTER/her project helps more women to open up about their experiences, learn more about their bodies and become empowered to take greater responsibility over their healthcare.